
On to the next level.

I'm dying for my new camera already, and to get started on this 365 project of mine, in which so many other people are fond of at the moment as well. I want to start once I get my new camera, so that my brother dearest can use mine, for his 365 project as well. His is a bit more interesting, cause as the days progress, so will his abilities; he's just starting out, with some basic knowledge, like how I started out.

On another note, I'm still wondering why I cannot consistently post things on this blog anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong, I still love the concept of posting things on your blog, I just feel like I don't have the time, therefore, lazy. In any case, here are some photos I've worked pretty hard on lately. Enjoy, and 365 days of nategdocs coming soon!

ps. Peep the new playlist, finally! Hope you don't get thrown off with the electric/pop song at the end, compared to all of the indie-alternative rock songs above it. haha.

Surprisingly, compared to the next two city photos, this one took me the longest, however, not really fulfilling my goal of editing a photo for a minimum of 3 hours(this took almost 2 hours).
Another day's struggle.
Eversince I can remember.
For the sake of..
Skip the adolescence.