

I never really mentioned my thoughts about this weekend. Basically, it was pretty great. Friday, school was super whack, nothings really changed on that. Later that day, hit up choir gathering, which was great. That was when I received the gifts from Diana and Louisse, which I will say, again, was very awesome, thanks again. Saturday, nothing much done. Sunday morn., had wonderful church. Later that day, attended Chase's 18th, which was crazy, and mad fun. I loved that adorable video of him singing "A Whole New World." Friggin love you Chase! haha. I finally saw my sister, after ages. I believe I saw her 3 days in a row actually, HOLLA. I miss her a lot, still. When do I not? haha, and If you are reading this, DON'T DENY IT!:] I also miss the other half of the sisters, Joy Joy! Im glad that I feel as if we are gradually becoming closer, thank god!finally! haha ;] Shout out to Sabrina, just love you, fool/booboo. hahaha. This summer! I better see you! If not, ill be one of the saddest of SD. haha, thats your encouragement.

New stuff, nothing big, unfortunately.

Main Model.
Sepia again.
&he is single. haha.
Sepia again.
It continues baby! hahaha.
It continues!
Off to church soon, later.

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